Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The end of the tunnel

Here we are, about 6 weeks into post production, and light is not only at the end of the tunnel. It's flooding in! Danny Daneau, who worked as our D.I.T. on the shoot, downloading digital footage we shot onto hard drives, emerged to become our editor! After weeks carefully studying each shot as he recorded it, Danny knew the footage as well as I did! So he volunteered to put together a rough cut. We were all wowed by his talent and enterprise. And once he and I began to actively collaborate, we were so in sync we were finishing each other's sentences. We've been enjoying a remarkably productive couple of weeks. And getting TONS don remarkably fast. Handfuls of friends have stopped over intermittently, to screen the cut as it's evolved, and their feedback has been incredibly helpful. And supportive! People are liking what they are watching, and we are liking that they are liking it! Our own Luke Rothschild's brilliant and beautiful score is complementing the emotions of the scenes, while giving the dazzling performances of our gifted actors lots of room to breathe. So we're all pretty excited, and happy as we progress towards locking picture and moving into sound mixing and color correction. We also got some great stills from the shoot, which give you a glimpse into the movie. Soon to be at a theatre near you!